
PartyIcons strongly believes in the power of "Better Together" and recognizes the immense contribution and impact the community has on the PartyIcons ecosystem. As such, Governance tokens should be controlled and constructed by the community DAO (similar to APEcoin) and used to support the continuous development of the ecosystem. This will serve as a decentralized governance and incentive layer driven by community leadership, promoting PartyIcons to become a truly diverse digital entertainment metaverse playground.

To support future fair distribution (airdrops) of governance tokens among multiple groups, such as developers, community contributors, game players, and early backers, PartyIcons will first build a comprehensive community Xpoints system, game achievement system, and on-chain indexing snapshot system to quantify complete participation, holding, and contribution records.

The value of PartyIcons' governance tokens will be supported by all ecosystem applications, whether they are used for NFT trading or as a form of utility consumption. The decision to introduce and incentivize new applications in the future ecosystem will be made by community DAO members through governance token voting.

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