DAO Governance

PartyIcons believes in the power of "Better Together" and will take a community-driven approach to coordinate the collective knowledge, insights, and ideas of the community, creating a more diverse and vibrant open ecosystem. To ensure rapid development of the game and ecosystem, we need an innovative governance method that fulfills our commitment to community participation without compromising decision-making efficiency.

To this end, PartyIcons will introduce an improved DAO governance model. This model is built around the PartyIcons Main Council (PMC), which serves as PartyIcons' guiding committee, leading our game development and ecosystem development direction. The PMC is composed of representatives selected from OGX̅ NFT holders. To ensure representativeness and inclusiveness, all OGX̅ NFT holders can nominate themselves for PMC seats, and the election process includes a formal voting period of seven days. During this period, the community votes to select the person who is best suited to manage the PartyIcons platform. The initial number of PMC seats will be between 5 and 9, and there will be at least one seat for each of the early investors, developers, game players, and community users. As the ecosystem develops, the number of seats will be gradually expanded.

The election of PMC seats and voting on PMC improvement proposals will be conducted on the Snapshot platform. Initially, only OGX̅ NFT holders have voting rights. When the community-driven governance token is released, all community members who stake governance tokens can participate in voting. The detailed DAO governance process will be continuously improved and explained in the official website's complete white paper.

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